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Søg ejendomme


Everything Overseas


Da vi altid prøver at give den en tand mere, får I nu mulighed for at tale med nogle af de mennesker, som har givet os følgende udtalelser.

Uden at spørge, har nogle af vores kunder tilbudt at tale med jer, vores nye potentielle kunder, og det takker vi dem for.

Så hvis du gerne vil tale med nogen der har gennemgået læringskurven og har erfaring med at købe en ejendom hos Next Stop Almería, så kontakt os, og vi vil videresende kontakten.


Da vi begyndte at søge efter en ejendom i Spanien, fandt vi ”Next Stop Almeria”s hjemmeside, og vi besluttede ret tidligt, at det var igennem ”Next Stop Almeria” vi ønskede at købe ejendom i Spanien. På deres hjemmeside kunne vi finde mange nyttige oplysninger om procedurer og regler i forbindelse med køb af ejendom i Spanien, og det kunne vi ikke finde på nogen anden ejendomsmæglers hjemmeside.
Under hele processen i forbindelse med vores køb, har vi haft stor tillid til Paul, og både Paul og Diana har været en stor hjælp for os, både i forhold til bureaukratiske og praktiske forhold, og det er de stadig. Vi ved vi altid kan komme til dem, hvis vi har spørgsmål, og det er en stor tryghed for os.
Kim og Suzanne, DK

Kim og Suzanne, DK.


Maggie og jeg vil gerne takke jer begge for den professionelle måde i har håndteret salget af vores ejendom. Den var sat til salg i lang tid, og hos flere forskellige ejendomsmæglere, som vi med tiden opsagde aftalen med, på grund af deres ligegyldighed og ”tag det, eller lad være”, attitude.

Selvom vi var venner og naboer, havde det ikke nogen betydning for jeres professionalisme. I har altid holdt os ajour med feedback fra potentielle kunder og hjulpet med advokater og endda hjulpet os af med uønskede ting. Selvom vi var i England, blev i ved med at hjælpe os med de få sidste udeståender i Spanien.

Til alle der overvejer at bruge jeres service, kan vi varmt anbefale jeres forretning.

Med venlig hilsen

M. Grosvenor-Weston - U.K.




Vi har været meget tilfredse med Mr. Paul Fullards præstation. Han har virkelig lavet et professionelt arbejde, var hjælpsom og venlig. Vi kendte ikke noget til salgsarbejde og han gennemførte alt til vores yderste tilfredshed. Vi kan varmt anbefale Next Stop Almería.

Paolo Pippi & Daniel Schupbach - Roquetas de Mar.



Udtalelse - Next Stop Almeria

Min kone og jeg kom til Almería regionen i oktober 2013 for at undersøge ejendomsmarkedet. Vi så flere ejendomsmæglere i Mojacar, Vera, Arboleas, Los Gallardos og Turre. Paul fra Next Stop Almeria skilte sig ud som en positiv og meget professionel ejendomsmægler, som accepterede at der kunne gå nogle måneder før vi kunne sælge vores hus I Frankrig uden at behandle os som om vi spildte hans tid (som vi oplevede med en ejendomsmægler). Da vi tog afsted, havde vi besluttet at vi godt kunne lide Los Gallardos og Turre området.

Da vi havde solgt vores hus i Frankrig, tog vi tilbage til et par ejendomsmæglere for seriøst at se på et lille hus eller en lejlighed. Igen skilte Paul sig ud som den mest organiserede og professionelle ejendomsmægler i området. Fremvisningerne blev planlagt så vi udnyttede vores tid bedst muligt, og Paul gav os detaljer om hver ejendom samt en klar vejledning til købsprocessen og den lovmæssige proces uden at vi følte et pres til at købe.

Da vi havde valgt en lejlighed, videregav Paul et tilbud, som blev accepteret i løbet i weekenden, og om mandagen havde vi informeret en advokat som gennemførte salget indenfor 3 uger. Vi var meget glade med den service Paul gav os, og derefter fra Diana, som hjalp os med dokumentation på rådhuset og masser af gode råd om, hvor vi kunne købe møbler og tilbehør.

For at summere op, så er dette det 6. land i Europa og andre steder hvor vi har købt og solgt ejendom, og der er ingen tvivl om, at Next Stop Almeria skiller sig ud imellem det dusin af ejendomsmæglere vi har handlet med i over 25 år.

Stewart - Los Gallardos.


Hej Paul og Diana

Jeg ved at efter at have sendt utallige mails før, må det være mærkeligt ikke at høre mere fra os, så jeg blev nødt til at sende en mail mere.

Pip og jeg vil gerne udtrykke vores tak for alt det i har gjort, for at gøre vores købsproces lettere, selvom jeg ved at vi må have givet jer en del hovedpiner i processen.

I har hjulpet os med at finde den rigtige advokat, som har, og stadig hjælper os rigtig meget i alle aspekter. Det rigtige valutavekslings firma. Og også en forsikrings agent som kan dække vores behov. Alle har behandlet os meget venligt, og har fået os til at føle os fortrolig med den hjælp de har givet os. Også de mennesker i har anbefalet os til de opgaver, vi kunne have brug for i villaen. Ud over alle disse mennesker, er det jer to der har hjulpet os rigtig meget og på en meget venlig måde, og gjort os meget mere sikker i vores nye eventyr.

Di har været helt fantastisk til at ledsage os på forskellige ture, for at finde ud af opgaver, som vi selv ville have kæmpet med, såsom Rådhus anliggender, telefon installering og talrige indkøbsture.

Paul har været utrolig generøs med sin rundtur i området før vi købte, og derefter igen taget os med til forskellige arrangementer for at gøre os lovlige fastboende.

Alt dette er meget mere end vi nogensinde kunne forvente, på baggrund af vores tidligere købserfaringer, og vi vil ikke tøve med at anbefale jer begge, og jeres forretning til alle.

Igen, mange tak for jeres hjælp til, at vi er faldet til, og vi håber vi har mange års venskab.


Roger & Pip Brown - Los Gallardos.


Min partner og jeg har fornylig afsluttet et køb af en ejendom i Vera Playa.

Vi købte vores ejendom igennem ejendomsmæglerfirmaet Next Stop Almeria, repræsenteret af Paul Fullard.

At sige at købsprocessen var helt smertefri er en underdrivelse. Paul var fuldstændig troværdig og ærlig omkring ejendommen vi købte, og var en guldmine af brugbare informationer om alt andet.

Han guidede os igennem processen, problemfrit at købe en ejendom i Spanien, og når vi stillede det ene spørgsmål efter det andet om hvor vi kunne købe det eller det til vores lejlighed, var han mere end hjælpsom…..intet var til for meget besvær.

Efter vores mening gør Paul og Next Stop Almeria lige det ekstra, og det var en absolut fornøjelse at handle med ham.

Vi vil klart anbefale dem til enhver der overvejer køb eller salg i området. Vi vil meget gerne fortælle mere om det til enhver der gerne vil have mere information.

Stephen - London.


I april 2012 købte jeg vores lejlighed i Bahia de Vera igennem NSA.

Jeg brugte nogle måneder på at udforske steder og omkostninger, og besluttede mig for Vera Playa og havde adskillige telefonsamtaler med Paul. Tildigt i marts kom jeg i to dage, for at se. Paul arrangerede så jeg kunne se omkring 15 ejendomme i forskellige bebyggelser i Vera.

Det var sjovt at få rundvisning, afbrudt af underlige øl, men Paul tog mig med rundt i området og det lykkedes også at få kaffe i Mojácar, besøge et advokatkontor, en tur for at få mit NIE nummer og vi kontaktede et valutaveksling firma. Det var nogle meget travle 48 timer, men der var ingen salgspres, og Pauls fokus var helt klart at jeg så så meget som muligt, så jeg kunne tage en beslutning og møde alle de mennesker jeg havde brug for kontakt til.

Efter at jeg havde givet advokaten fuldmagt og besluttet mig for at købe, var selve processen nem, og seks uger senere, var jeg ejer af en lejlighed.

Jeg har før haft en ejendom i Frankrig og jeg ved hvor svært det er at prøve at organisere en lejlighed med fjernbetjening. Med denne lejlighed har det været en helt anden historie. Med Paul og Dianas hjælp, har vi fået stedet malet mv., fornyet nogle hårde hvidevarer, kommet af med nogle af de arvede møbler og købt nye ting. Derudover, på vores besøg, har Di været i stand til at foreslå hvor vi kunne købe de ting vi havde brug for, for at gøre vores lejlighed til et hjem. Det har sparet os for en masse tid og kræfter og det har betydet at vi har fået den lejlighed som vi ønskede, i løbet af uger.

Fra fremvisninger til køb og til ejerskab, har NSA gjort dette til en fornøjelig og sjov oplevelse og deres slogan ”dine øjne og ører i Spanien” er velfortjent og meget sand. Vi har også mødt nogle meget søde mennesker i processen.

Peter - Aylesbury.   


"As a business owner, it is my experience that the critical factor for any successful transaction is the removal of any worry or doubt for the buyer. This is significantly more important when dealing with a major investment such as a property purchase. Gain a potential buyer’s trust & make them feel relaxed & confident with the process & ultimately, the decision becomes an easy one.

Next Stop Almeria have clearly recognised this as their philosophy of “treat others as you would want to be treated” clearly demonstrates. NSA literally hold their clients’ hands throughout the entire process, providing constant advice, reassurance & guidance at all times. Their ability to walk the customer through the potential pitfalls of buying & out the other side unscathed is positively refreshing & clearly puts them head & shoulders above the competition.

Furthermore this unrivalled level of service does not end on completion but continues for as long as the customer has a need. This leaves a “great taste in one’s mouth” & I truly believe this to be their unique selling point.

I am certain during this challenging climate that NSA will go from strength to strength while other less worthy agents falter."

Mark Reid - Damasco Packaging Supplies and Consumables.   



"It is almost impossible to put into words just how happy we are with everything you have done for us, from the initial contact via email in early 2011 where we gave you a comprehensive list of wants and desires for our potential purchase in Spain to the night, or should I say morning that we picked up the keys from you to our fantastic apartment in paradise in April 2012, (1.30 in the morning I seem to remember, Sorry).

We first came out to meet you in September 2011 and you had put together an excellent portfolio of properties for us to look at to the exact specification and requirement we had given you. The only problem was we then completely changed our minds about what we wanted, or Jen did if you recall.

From then on we must have put you through hell chopping and changing our minds but you picked up on exactly what we were really looking for and came through with the perfect selection of properties, including one that we found on the internet which you arranged for us to see.

We loved this property but you picked up that all may not be as it should be, you then went away and spoke to María (the excellent Solicitor) who you later introduced us to and you were absolutely right there was indeed a problem with the paperwork on this property and you saved us from what could have been a very expensive mistake.

You then found us the property we own today and walked us through every step of the way from offer to notary and through to completion and to this day you are still proving what great people you and Di are, with our daughters out for a week and the boiler giving problems, one call to you and all was dealt with.

What can I say other than Thank you both for the service, the laughs and now the friendship, you took away all the hassle and just did a fantastic job.

Thanks for everything and we will see you very soon."

Trevor and Jennie Miles - Regional Sales Manager British Gas.    

"PS You might have to edit this slightly to get it into your testimonial page!!!  Difficult to put into fewer words how grateful we are for your continued excellent service and help.  Here is to many years to come of visiting Spain and catching up for a drink or two!!!" 



"We just wanted to put a few words together to try and express how simple, fun and enjoyable you and Di have made the buying process for us over the past few weeks.

From our first meeting in February where we viewed the development in Palomares, your advice and knowledge have been invaluable to us.  In fact, a measure of the trust we have in you has to be the fact that when we couldn't get the house we wanted, and had to return home and you got in touch saying there was another one we could try for, we put in an offer while still in England, having not seen the actual property! We knew that if you said it was a good buy, then it would be.

From then onwards everything was as easy and straightforward as it was possible to be.  You introduced us to Maria (solicitor) who took us through every step of the process and made sure we were happy with everything and, you were always there with us. In fact, on one occasion, you came to the office from a wedding - above and beyond the call of duty!

So in a few short weeks we have gone from offer to completion and are now the proud owners of our very own place in the sun.  It is not just your professionalism as an Estate Agent that sets you apart but all of the things you do to make life easier when living in one country and buying a place in another.

We are now looking forward to spending as much time as possible in our lovely house and hope that both you and Di will become friends.

Thanks for everything and see you soon."

Tracey and Neil Evans - Vodafone Retail Manager & Golf Professional.



“Next Stop Almeria supported us on every step of our house-buying journey in Spain; from our very first visit to view properties to collecting our keys at the Notary and all the bits in-between.

We would highly recommend Paul to anyone wanting a professional, friendly and efficient service.”

Mr & Mrs S Whitham - NHS National Performance Manager.



“We cannot speak highly enough about the service provided by Next Stop Almeria. Words such as professional, trustworthy, considerate and efficient go hand and hand with what we regard as the best in their field.

In returning to my job at Aston Villa football club, they made the transition absolutely effortless.

Should you choose to select Next Stop Almeria we can guarantee you will be 100% satisfied with their service.

They were the most honest trustworthy people we met in Spain and we would highly recommend them.”

Mr & Mrs T Gennoe - Head Goalkeeping coach Aston Villa FC.



" I just wanted to say thank you so much to you and Diana for everything the two of you done for me with regards the sale of my property.

From the very beginning the service and professionalism was absolutely spot on and the information flow was exceptional (which really came in handy as I was stuck in England throughout).

I really cannot fault a single part of the service and have to say that agencies both in Spain and the U.K. could learn a lot from how you guys worked with me.

I would have no hesitation in recommending you guys to anyone, either looking to sell or buy, and in fact would tell them to look no further than yourselves.

Once again thanks for all your help and I wish you both every success in the future."

Mr P Van Nuland - ICAP Post trade risk & information services.



"After having stayed with friends in Vera and falling in love with Almeria my husband and I  were interested in viewing properties in the fishing village of Villaricos.

We did our research on the internet and found the site ‘Next Stop Almeria’ to be easy to navigate and very informative.  So we took the plunge, booked our flights and arranged to meet up with Paul Fullard from ‘Next Stop Almeria’.

We met with Paul and he proceeded to show us around a large variety of properties in and around the Villaricos area.  We both felt after spending a few hours with Paul that he was someone we could trust and he was more than happy to answer all our queries and questions. 

A couple of days later we met with Paul and his wife Diana for a second viewing of an apartment we had been particularly impressed with.   After the viewing we went for a coffee and we discussed how we should proceed if we decided to take things a step further and make an offer.

After returning to the UK and thinking things over, we called Paul and made an offer.  Our first offer was refused but after a little negotiation and with Paul’s help a price was agreed.  With lots of help and advice from Paul and Diana the purchase went relatively smoothly and 3½ months later we completed.

Paul and Diana have continued to be a great help, from organising electricians and air conditioning to ordering and taking delivery of furniture.  It is fair to say we would have really struggled to manage without their help and we now consider them to be friends as well as agents."

Mr & Mrs S Temperton - Bank of America Merrill Lynch.



"Paul Fullard at Next Stop Almeria took over the management of our property in Vera, Almeria, late in 2009. 

We were initially drawn to his flexible yet precise approach and personable character.  Since then we have been very pleased with his performance which has certainly reduced the stress involved with looking after the property and tenants. 

He has been proactive in getting everything organised, presents the accounts in a clear and concise manner and communicates very well to keep us up-to-date on all relevant matters.  Several maintenance items required on the property were executed quickly and without fuss.

I would be very happy to recommend Paul and Next Stop Almeria to anyone requiring property management in his catchment area."

Mr D Denyer - Senior Control Systems Engineer, Force India F1.



"Buying a house can be a stressful time, but you imagine it is going to be even worse when you buy abroad. Wrong!!

Our recent purchase in Spain had been a real pleasure from start to finish and one of the main reasons for that, is that we had the good fortune of dealing with Next Stop Almeria .

Their professional and friendly help and advice, allowed us to enjoy every step in the process.

Next Stop Almeria are more than Estate Agents, they are a complete service provider who put the purchaser at the centre of the whole process.

If you are interested  in buying in this beautiful part of Spain,  then do like we did and speak to Paul at NSA, you will not be disappointed.

Our special thanks also go to Di, the very best “back office” that anyone could wish for."

Mr & Mrs S Dimmock - HR Director Europe, Euromaster.



"Thought I must drop you guys a line.

As you will know we had an agent, of sorts, involved in so called long term lettings.

I had to fly to Spain at the drop of a hat to catch them out, and sacked her for lying and being totally unprofessional, so we were naturally skeptical of another agent bearing the fruits of false over promise and under delivery.

Eureka......You two have been outstanding, in everything you said you will do, you have done, and more.
Not only have you never over promised, you have more then delivered.
This is an exception................

You have without question, taken on the owners’ issues and concerns and made them yours.

Everything we have asked for has been delivered, with a smile and sense of humor and correct doses of reality.........refreshing.
I trade all day on the internet, with my business here in the UK, safe in the knowledge that after 2 years we have found a couple of Business likeminded people who are not only nice to deal with, but are hardworking and keep in continual contact.

Whoever you have coming to you, they can start to count their blessings.
Now put yourselves in a photocopy machine and press the max button.
Really appreciate your fab work."

Colum and Karen Cleary.



"May I just take this opportunity to say that I paid a Company in Mojacar for one year to look after possible lettings for us and in the space of a year they were unable to deliver even one booking for us.

In the short time since we have been introduced you have done more for us than they ever did.

Your help and support is greatly appreciated and I look forward to working with you throughout the coming months and hopefully years!!"



"I just wanted to drop you a note to say how much we have appreciated the first class service you have provided in the renting of our apartment in Spain.   

We have found it so reassuring to know that we have a reliable & trustworthy agent to look after things for us. We have especially been impressed by the level of communication you have provided and the collaborative approach you have taken.

It has been a pleasure working with you, and we look forward to continuing the relationship in the future."

Jo & Bryan.
